
Career Exploration and Development (CXD) works to help each student understand deeply held interests, skills, and values and connect to careers.

advisor Kari leads a workshop with students

We do this by engaging with the entire Bowdoin community—faculty, staff, and alumni—to assist students in considering how they might put their own mark on the world. Our job is to support every Bowdoin student as they explore, experience, and pursue internships and full-time career opportunities around the world and in every industry and sector.

Our Approach

The cornerstone of our approach is individualized, supportive, one-on-one advising with experts who have real-world experience in their specialized fields.

Bowdoin students build strong, supportive relationships with their advisors. The size of our student body and CXD’s expansive resources make it possible for students to establish ongoing partnerships with their advisors during their time at Bowdoin—starting as soon as your first year.


Students can meet one-on-one with any of our advisors. Whether you meet with an advisor once during your time at Bowdoin or many times each year, thirty-minute individual advising appointments are available year-round. Appointments can be scheduled through Handshake.

Schedule an appointment

Want to talk with someone who has been there?

You can meet with accomplished juniors and seniors who have both formal training as peer advisors and relevant career interests and experience. Peer advisors can help you get started on a résumé or cover letter, or help you learn how to access and use CXD resources.

Exploring your options?

Not sure what path you might want to pursue? No problem. Our advisors are here to help you clarify your values, interests, and skills; identify possible career paths; and create a plan to explore and pursue those paths.

We look forward to welcoming you to CXD!

Alumni Advising

CXD’s advising appointments are limited to those who have just graduated and have not yet landed their first opportunity, as well as alumni applying to law school.  

All alumni are welcome to explore CXD’s jobs database and repository of CXD-authored tips on Handshake. In Handshake’s Resource tab you can access dozens of CXD-authored articles and tip sheets. Visit Handshake’s Alumni Resource page to get started.  

To ensure continued access to Handshake’s content and features, alumni must update their account email address using these instructions. If you need help, email 

Explore more career resources for alumni.